Mayfield Festival Autumn Newsletter 2019
Young Bach & Purcell
Mayfield Festival Choir’s
‘Young Bach & Purcell‘ concert which will be held in St Dunstan’s Church, Mayfield on Sunday 17th November 2019, at 7.30pm.
The full programme includes:
Bach: Christ lag in Todesbanden BWV 4
Bach: Nun Komm der Heiden Heiland BWV 61
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Mayfield Festival Choir will be conducted by Jeremy Summerly with Mayfield Baroque Orchestra.
Soloists: Eloise Irving (Soprano), Helena Moore (Soprano), Richard Pinkstone (Tenor), Grace Stephens-Spada (Treble), Annenora Benians (Treble) and Rupert Jeffcoat (organ).
Tickets can be purchased online with credit or debit cards. Tickets will also be available by telephone on 0333 666 3366 or with cash, cheque or card from our local box office at Lambert & Foster, High Street, Mayfield.
More details about the concert and soloists are available at www.mayfieldfestivalchoir.org.
Matt Glendening – Clarinet Recital
The Tunbridge Wells International Music Competition (TWIMC) is organising a clarinet recital by its 2018 Wind Winner Matt Glendening.
This recital is a fund raising event on Saturday Feb 8th 2020 – please note the date in your diary. It will be held at the home of the home of Harry Trusted and Mary Anderson (TWIMC chair): Manor Grange, Hurstwood Lane, Tunbridge Wells.
Details on the TWIMC website.
Mayfield Festival 2020 – 50th Anniversary
Sunday 26 April – Sunday 10 May 2020
Next year’s festival is the 50th Anniversary of the Festival. Keep the dates in your diaries.
Planning is already well underway and there are is a wide spectrum of events. Great musical soloists, groups, choirs as well as greater depth on the Arts including painting and poetry.
The Tunbridge Well International Music Competition runs from Wednesday 27 April 2020 – Sunday 3 May 2020.
Nearly 100 musicians on the verge of their professional careers will compete. These are wonderful musicians and the winners from last year’s competition will be performing in the 2020 Festival.
Friends of Music in Mayfield
The objectives of the Friends of Music in Mayfield are to promote, improve, develop and maintain public education in and appreciation of the art and science of music particularly but not exclusively within the Parish of Mayfield. And that’s what they have been doing since 1988!
Members also get:
- Priority booking. Members qualify for priority booking on all musical events at the Mayfield Festival.
- Guarantee of Seats. Members who book tickets during the priority period are guaranteed seats to most events. Patrons are guaranteed tickets to all events.
- The exclusive opportunity to buy season tickets for the Mayfield Festival. These are available at greatly reduced prices and guarantee seats at all the festival concerts and events. This offer is open to all FMM members and to the Friends of the Tunbridge Wells International Music Competition at Mayfield Festival.
- Regular mailings. Music Bulletins of all events are mailed to members on a regular basis. By post or e-mail.
Join now in time for the ticket advantages for Festival 2020; including Priority booking and Season Tickets.
Festival and Tunbridge Wells International Music Competition helpers
If you would like to get involved and enjoy the Festival and/or the Tunbridge Wells International Music Competition, you would be most welcome. All help is welcome. You could do as much or little as suits you including:
Stewarding events, welcoming performers, setting up venues, leafleting, banners, publicity and marketing, performer liaison, ticketing, hosting a competitor and much more.
Just contact steve@mayfieldfestival.co.uk and enjoy the events even more.
Friends of Music of Mayfield – AGM
The FMM AGM will be held this year on Monday 2nd December at 18.00 in the Middle House Mayfield. Everyone is welcome.
New websites
Both Mayfield Festival and the Tunbridge Wells International Music Competition have recently launched new websites. Great places to see up-to-date information.
See: mayfieldfestival.co.uk and twimc.org.uk.
Very surprised that with the Festival just 5 months away now you have no artists/dates to tell us so that as advised we can mark reserve the dates.
Dear Priscilla,
Thank you for your comments. If you would like to be on our contact list I will send you details before the launch which is on 1 Feb. Our website will follow shortly after. The box office opens on 22 Feb and members priority booking starts on 1 Feb.
Best wishes