The Mayfield Festival of Music and the Arts is based in the ancient and beautiful village of Mayfield in East Sussex, just south of the Spa Town of Royal Tunbridge Wells.

Mayfield is a large village in the north of East Sussex, 9 miles south of Tunbridge Wells off the A267. It has a beautiful high street with raised red brick pavements and for a community of its size it boasts a remarkable range of cultural and artistic activity.
Mayfield is famous for the legend of Saint Dunstan. The saint, formerly a blacksmith, was working at his forge when the Devil paid him a visit, disguised as a beautiful woman, with a view to leading him astray. However Dunstan spotted the cloven hooves beneath the dress and grabbed the devil's nose with his red hot pincers, thus foiling Satan's evil intentions.
According to another legend, Satan returned again as a weary traveller in need of a horseshoe. Dunstan saw through the disguise once again and beat the Devil until he pleaded for mercy, and swore never to enter any house with a horseshoe above the door.
Not surprisingly the church is dedicated to St Dunstan and many of the Festival's events take place in St Dunstan's Church, which is on the High Street. The Post Code of the Church is TN20 6AB and it can be found on the what3words app at brisk.wakes.waistcoat (