Edvard Pogossian at Manor Grange

Cello recital and soiree

Sold Out
Saturday 18 March 2023, 7pm Manor Grange, Hurstwood Lane, Tunbridge Wells, TN4 8YA £45 (£40 Patrons and Friends of TWIMC) Book now

We are thrilled to welcome the overall winner of the 2022 Tunbridge Wells International Music Competition, Edvard Pogossian to perform at Manor Grange, Tunbridge Wells, accompanied by Erdem Misirlioglu. The programme will include works by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Schumann and Armenian folk songs by Komitas. Those of us who heard Edvard’s Rush Hour concert in London last autumn know that we’re in for a treat. Join us to hear the recital and to share an informal supper and glass of wine with Competition supporters.


This event is promoted by the Tunbridge Wells International Music Competition and supported by the Mayfield Festival.